Thursday, January 15, 2015

Happy 2015!  As it turned out, we all took a bit of a break to enjoy the holidays.  Here's hoping that yours were spent in warm company.
Thanks to Tim, we are on schedule to spend next Sunday, Jan 18 with the Catholic Workers and guests at Hope House in Dubuque IA.  Since our last meeting in the fall, we have connected to a few new folks who will be joining us for the trip on Sunday.  
One new member is Kathy Laubmeier of St. Maria Goretti Parish.  Kathy has graciously offered her 7 passenger van for the trip.  As Tim has indicated, we will plan to meet Kathy at Blessed Sacrament Church parking lot on Sunday.  We plan to depart promptly at 1:30, so please come a bit early. Remember too that we may get to help with the serving of the weekly meal, so dress accordingly.
We will need to know for sure if you plan to attend the outing so we can arrange transportation.  Here is the current sign-up list:
Kathy  (with Van)
So please consider joining us for this exciting first trip to another Catholic Worker house.  We will be returning to Madison by 9:30 pm, in time to get ready for Monday's work obligations.
If you have any questions, or suggestions,  please let us know.
[Ed. note: Dennis has been down with the flu this week and it now looks like he won't be able to make it. - Tim]